My First Project!

Climate Action

The United Nation has seventeen sustainable developmental goals to protect the palnet and improve the lives of everyone, everywhere. 17 Goals for people, and for planet. UN has started this mission in 2015 and they made 15 years of plan to achieve the goals.

Climate action is one of the seventeen goals that UN have been taking an action to combat climate change. Climate change is one of the most threating issues of our time. We are facing existential threat. If we continue our current path scientists say the consequences will be devastating. Climate is long term concept. It takes years to collect the data to notice the climate is changing. 2019 was the second warmest year on the record and the warmest decade (2010-2019) ever recorded. World meteorological organization predicts that the annual mean global temperature is likely to be at least 1.0 Celsius above the levels in each of coming five years. There is 20% chance that one of the next 5 years will be at least 1.5 delicious warmer that per-industrial levels, but the chances are increasing with the time. Climate change is affecting every country. Globally there are 6700 climate related disasters including severe floods, storm, drought, wildfires, extreme temperatures events, also geo-physical events including earthquakes and tsunamis, oceans have warmed, sea levels have risen. These disasters have claimed millions of lives, affected billions of people, and trillion in economic losses. If we don’t take an actions climate change will cause average global temperatures to increase beyond 3 degree delicious and it will affect our ecosystem.

Now is the time to for change. Our goal is to take an urgent action to tackle climate change. One of the main problems is people do not know about climate change. It is important to educate people. By using social media, we can spread the word. There are many things that each of us can do. Starting with vegetarian diet, 5-minute shower, recycle, light-off, refill and reuse, zero-waste fashion, unplug, plant-based meals.